5 Reasons the App Store Might Reject Your App
Mar 27 2019 - 4 MINS READ
Reasons the app store might reject

It’s a disappointment to any determined developer if the App Store rejects your app.

The Apple store receives thousands of app introductions on a regular basis. It’s safe to say that not every app will be accepted, at least not always on the first try. With the level of competition, Apple has a strict set of criteria they look for when approving an app to be listed in their store. However, not every app will be so lucky as to meet every standard set. Rejections happen but you’ll learn there are ways to avoid them, or even correct them before it’s too late.

Apple values its users’ and reviewers time, so they avoid repetitive content. Making sure your app is unique and the content is original is one of the best ways to avoid rejection from the App store.

Installing push notifications and Core Locations is not all it takes to get approved by the app store.

So how can you avoid having your app kicked to the curb? Try to make sure your app isn’t guilty of the following qualities.

1. Inappropriate or already trademarked app name

Choosing the right app name is a major key. If your app name includes any recognizable trademarked words, names of other apps in their store, or “free”/anything to do with price, Apple is likely to give your app the boot. Apple wants original, memorable content for any new apps and a great starting point for them to know your app is legit is by a unique name.

2. Using irrelevant keywords for your app

Adding irrelevant keywords, or keyword stuffing, in an effort to up the marketing and discovery potential of your app will only backfire. Apple looks for keywords that sound natural, applicable and descriptive. Overloading on keywords will draw the wrong attention and raise red flags.

3. Clustered, confusing, or complex interfaces

According to Apple Developer guidelines, an app that doesn’t meet the requirement of a simple, seamless, and innovative interface will possibly be on the chopping block. Apple values their users’ experiences and raises high standards in what they choose to supply. Your app content and functionality must coincide – this includes the app’s name, descriptions, screenshots for the store, and previews. If these are not relevant to your app’s interface and core function in simple and understandable manner, it’s cause for rejection.

4. Too many bugs

This is why it’s so important to spend a lot of time in quality assurance testing. If your app fails to perform and demonstrates instability, there’s no way you’re making it onto the app store. System failures and constant crashes are a no-no. Your app needs to, you know, actually work.

5. Multiple Bundle IDs for One App

Your app’s Bundle ID is its unique identifier in the app store. So logically, creating multiple Bundle IDs for the same app is counterintuitive, and a waste of Apple’s resources.  This is also considered spam and it goes without saying that Apple won’t be fond of that.

There are a vast range of forums and websites available to app developers and entrepreneurs where you can source solutions to your troubling app rejection. These forums are meant to be a support system for the mobile app community of developers who have dire concerns, especially around getting your app on the very picky Apple store. In some cases you won’t have to go to the trouble of a remodeling frenzy.  If your app is rejected, Apple provides you with the reasons your app did not qualify, with reference to their Developer Guidelines.

When ensuring your app doesn’t fall into the rejection zone, the best place to start is these guidelines. The reasons mentioned and more can be avoided by following them thoroughly.

Now, if you’ve made it through review – how about getting some extra attention for your app? Check out our tips for getting featured on the app store.

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