Why You Should Take Your eLearning Courses Mobile
Mar 13 2019 - 5 MINS READ

Designing the perfect eLearning course is not easy.

It can be difficult to know exactly how to deliver the information to your audience in the most effective way.

Naturally, course creators want to do everything possible to make their course offerings effective.

This can include many different ideas, but one thing you might not have considered yet – and should – is implementing a mobile learning aspect through the development of a mobile app.

If you’re not sure whether or not the time and expense of a mobile learning app is worth it, consider the following:

Flexibility and Convenience


Without a doubt, mobile technology has turned us into a society on the go.

Freed from the constraints of a PC, we can go online wherever and whenever we choose, and this is only increasing as mobile technology develops.

This mobile lifestyle is now our society’s default setting, so to speak, and it only makes sense to offer a mobile option to keep up with this trend.

The fact is, adding a mobile application to your eLearning course will create an attractive and convenient way for users to learn at their own pace, when it’s easiest and most suitable for them – rather than being confined by fewer options.

Higher Course Completion Rates

Because learners can use mobile learning apps anywhere it’s most convenient, it’s easier for them to stick with and finish a course. This leads to higher course completion rates, and greater learner satisfaction overall.

Greater Options for Engaging Content

Tablet mLearning

Mobile technology has come a long way, and the options for course design are nearly endless. Between taking advantage of hi-definition screens that burst with colour and are visually appealing, and adding visual stimulation through interactive features and abilities, you can design an app that looks and acts anyway you would like.

Greater Appeal to Younger Learners

We mentioned before that the mobile lifestyle is increasingly becoming the default lifestyle today, but did you know just how far that’s really gone?

According to the latest data, the average person struggles to go longer than four minutes without checking their phone, and what’s more, spends about two-and-a-half hours on their phone each day in one capacity or another.

Meanwhile, that same person spends much less time on a desktop or laptop — and that number is only decreasing as time goes on.

But what’s really telling is the age breakdown – computer vs. mobile usage is, as you might expect, very different depending on the generation you’re looking at, with younger generations being much more apt to use mobile technology.

If you’re looking to attract younger learners, and if you’re also thinking about the learners of the future, it only makes sense to work on developing technology that they will respond to

Push Notifications

push notifications

One of the great things about a well-designed mobile app is the ability to use push notifications.

These notifications can serve a variety of functions – from being a quick way to communicate, to sending out reminders, to making learners aware of updates and changes.

Regardless of how you use them, these notifications can make the mobile learning experience easier and more enjoyable.

Apps Can Adapt

A well-designed mobile app can respond to and adapt itself to a learner’s unique situation.

Whether this situation is based on ability, specific training objectives or some other factor, it’s nice to know that as users learn and grow, the app will adjust itself to accommodate their skill and knowledge.

And, as you add more features and content to your course, these innovations can be sent right out to your apps when they routinely update.

More Bang For Your Buck

When you put it all together, it seems pretty obvious: An app simply makes your eLearning course better.

It gives learners the ability to learn at their own pace and schedule, whenever they are most comfortable, without having to be confined to specific times or places.

It gives them more opportunities to learn in a variety of ways and methods with the latest technology, which encourages course completion.

This means more satisfied customers who will be more ready to look to you for learning solutions in the future, and also recommend you to others who are looking as well.

So, while it might take investing a little more time and energy now, a mobile app is an investment well worth taking for the future of your eLearning courses.

If your job is managing employee training, we have compiled examples of companies making great use of eLearning.

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